These were a long time coming but I finally got around to making some new mixes. Even though it’s hard to make the time, I get so much pleasure out of putting these together and I personally, I feel like I hit a strong groove with how these two came together.1

Aretha Redux is an overhaul of my previous Aretha mix that improves on that version with new songs and new segues, covering a lot of her lesser-known hits plus a few choice covers. Learn more.

Deep Covers 3 is the latest installment in the series that focuses on killer soul, funk, Latin and jazz covers from around the world. It works both as a catalog of cover curiosities but it’s also a standalone party mix on its own. Learn more.

To order, visit our newly revamped Mixtapes page. It finally consolidates the physical and digital mixes I’ve created over the last 10+ years.

And remember: your purchases help support the work we do here on the site!

  1. I actually made four over the last few months but these are the only two that will be available for public consumption. ↩