The Darling Dears: And I Love You
From 7″ (Flower City/Culture of Sound, 1972/2012)
I first heard about the Darling Dears 7″ on Soulstrut in 2010 and Matthew Africa recently did a nice write-up on his blog where he describes the sound of the group as “airy female harmonies set against a wall of sludgy funk and heavy drums,” which just about sums it up. A really awesome single and expensively obscure out the wazoo.
By sheer coincidence, two different labels have reissued it, basically at the same time, both of which followed perfectly legit channels, just through different parties connected to the release.1 The good folks at Culture of Soul are sponsoring this giveaway for a copy of the 7″ (go here to pre-order and/or here the flipside).
To enter, send us an email, subject line “Darling Dears giveaway”. Thanks!
Update: Here’s a good background article on the group. (Thanks: Matt C.)
- I’m a little torn here since I got my promo copy from Orivious but Culture of Sound is sponsoring the giveaway.