File under: I slept.
I’ve seen the soundtrack to Patty for years but somehow, completely missed out on listening to it despite a rather solid lineup that includes tracks from the stable of New Jersey’s Stang.1 It wasn’t until I was hanging out in the Groove Merchant the other month and Cool Chris threw this on the house system, I realized, “damn, how’d this pass me by?”
Some of the songs on here were pre-existing, such as the Moments’ slinky bit of seduction soul:
The Moments: Sexy Mama
From Patty OST (Stang, 1972)
However, Stang’s in-house studio band, the Rimshots, also turn in a few tracks, none better than this incredible slice of instrumental goodness:
The Rimshots: Revelation
From Patty OST (Stang, 1972)
Revelation indeed! This is a straight up “dusty groove” if ever there was one. Doesn’t it sound exactly like something MF Doom would have looped up, especially early on? The butter hit comes around the one minute mark where the kick drum counts off 8 and then we slide into that sublime, string-accompanied passage. Even the cheesy sax that pops in later can’t ruin how luscious this sounds.
Definitely made me think of this (speaking of soundtracks):
Henry Mancini: Lujon
From Mr. Lucky Goes Latin (RCA 1961)
One of my favorite Mancini compositions and though originally written for a television show, it’s become a movie favorite in everything from Sexy Beast to The Big Lebowski (random!).
And heck, for a bonus, if we’re going to talk about instrumental songs connected to “Patty,” I gotta bring this out:
Larry T and the Family: Patty
From I’m Moving On (LET, 1980)
Amazingly, I’ve never posted this before (oops). One of my favorite Bay Area records, a private press jazz/soul LP by Larry Thompson. I’ll have to dig out some other tracks and put ’em up.
Was always wondering wear this sample came from:
Thank you so much for reminding me of “Sexy Mama.” Great, great track.
Somehow the strings on the Rimeshots’ song remind me of Christo Redentor by Harvey Mandel. The song is very MF Doom-esque, but also very DJ FOOD-esque IMO. Great stuff in any case.
I got turned on to this record the exact same way. Big up to Veltri!
@Nick – nice point on the Rimshot’s “Revelation”… though I think it’s more reminiscent of “Aleme’s Theme” by Johnny Pate (from Shaft In Africa score).
Coltrane:Nice! Totally on point with how close they are.