For a while, I had been trying to land a cheap 7″ copy of Leroy Hutson’s “All Because Of You,” one of his best proto-disco tracks from the 1970s. The song has everything you’d want: opening drum break, rich and powerful production, Hutson’s vocals, etc. and it’s always nice to have a compact version on 7″. But when I finally got a copy and was listening to it, something jumped out at me, seemingly literally:
Leroy Hutson: All Because of You (7″ version)
From 7″ (Curtom, 1975)
Listen at around 1:50 or so. Sounds like a skip right?
Annoyed, I went back and retracked that portion and the stylus doesn’t jump or move (what you’d expect with a scratch) and that made me wonder wtf was going on so I flipped to the B-side, an instrumental version of the same song, and the same “jump” was there too. And then it dawned on me: this is just a really lazy edit!
See, this is the original version of the song:
Leroy Hutson: All Because of You (LP version)
From Hutson (Curtom, 1975)
It’s six+ minutes, too long to put on a 7″ so Curtom evidently had an engineer create a 7″ edit of it but whoever that dude was either hella sloppy, lazy or both because he basically tries to run a splice between two parts of the song, one at 1:53, the other around 6:13, but doesn’t really bother to make sure the transition sounds good. Or is even on tempo. I ran this past a few peers and they all agreed: worst. edit. ever. Inexcusably weaksauce.
And here’s what really burns: I sat down with the original track and in about 5 minutes, created a much cleaner splice. Someone who had access to the master tapes, in a half-decent studio, could have done the exact same thing, namely quickly fading out/fading both parts at the splice point, thus creating a seamless transition that doesn’t sound like the needle popped off the vinyl. Curtom = fail (at least in this case)
Awesome song though, right? 1
By the way, Hutson’s solo albums are, in my opinion, completely essential for any fans of ’70s soul. Same album also has this instrumental track I like a lot:
Leroy Hutson: Cool Out
From Hutson (Curtom, 1975) 2
- I have a higher quality version for DJs so holler if you need it.
- Doesn’t that opening riff basically sound like “Stolen Moments“?
yeah, i’d love a high quality version of this. i’m part of a for-fun, 3-headed dj crew in vienna, austria. we call ourselves “plan soul from outer space”, my alias is SoulWolf. basically just friends djing together. (my “real” djing effort is on the heavier electronic side:
I’d love to have that dj friendly edit … peace from brussels belgium
Can I get . Not a DJ, but a rapper from a crew in London. Looking for some inspiration.
Can I get a HQ copy of the LP version please. Is what I meant to type.
Hey man, great blog and an excellent post. If possible do you have HQ versions of the LP version of ‘All Because Of You’ and the ‘Cool Out’ track?
Mat (tOtALcULt)
Ha! This is hilarious. Great post! Thanks!
Here’s that 7″ improved edit.
There’s also a UK 12″ of “All Because of You”/”Lucky Fellow”. It sounds pretty good.
DJ Tonk chopped up ‘Cool Out’ on his Frequent Flyers album a couple of years back.
Was always wondering wear this sample came from:
I just discovered something great. The Hutson-Track “Cool Out” was sampled on the classic german rap song “Flaschenpost” of Eins Zwo. I didn’t know the name of the sample, but thanks to SOUL SIDES, now I discovered it by accident.
Check out this Eins Zwo Track from 1998 (Rapper called Dendemann):