Earlier this month, I published an interview with designer Brent Rollins for my KCET Artbound column.1 The column was an abridged/edited version of our longer Skype chat and I decided to include the latter as my latest Sidebar podcast.

Most of my readers are probably more than aware of Brent’s accomplishments, especially his work over the years with ego trip (first the magazine, now the website). He’s also the current designer for Complex and of course, has a long/rich history in movie and music logo/art design as well, including that ridiculous packaging for Stimulus Package. We cover all that and more in our congo.2

The Sidebar #28: Brent Rolins

Music in this episode:

  1. Later this month, I talk to designer/writer Slick of K2S fame for the same column.
  2. Apologies for some of the audio glitches; recording a Skype convo and me on my mic, at once, tends to push my CPU to its limit and you can hear some weird digital burps towards the end.