The Soul Stirrers: He Knows How Much We Can Bear
Available on He’s My Rock.

Today brings the end of the Soul Hut collaboration. I graced Tofu Hut with one of my all-time favorite covers: “Love and Happiness” by Monty Alexander. John, in turn, gave us this song by The Soul Stirrers, along with these comments:“We end Soul Hut with a track that’s near and dear to my heart and one with a message that grants me succor through hard times.

The Soul Stirrers are best remembered today as being the matrix from which Sam Cooke sprung; this recording presages that development by a good many years. The strong bass is courtesy of J.J. Farley, the honeyed lead by Robert Harris.

Don’t let the surface noise bug you; think of it as a prestigious member of the band that only the grandest and oldest groups can claim.

Hustle over to Tuwa’s Shanty and see if you can find a few more Soul Stirrers tracks.

Read this bio on the Soul Stirrers.”

Soul Sides replies:
Alas, the static is pretty damn heavy on this and I found it to be more of a distraction than I would have liked. It’s also a rather muted song: I like the harmonizing but I guess after the previous whoomp provided in the other songs, this one was the quiet close instead of a rousing, crashing finish.

But wait…it’s not over yet! Wait for the Soul Hut Recap and Bonus Round, coming soon. We’re actually backed up over here – Johnnie Taylor, Leon Spencer, Gene Russell and more, all waiting in queue.